Top 10k strings from Fat Worm Blows a Sparky (1985)(Durell Software)[a].z80
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7 :q|=2q|*r| 1 }EE@@@ @@@EFFEE 1 with the name and address of theperson who supplied you with theforgery. You will be sent agenuine replacement copy and areward of `100 if yourinformation 1 eE((2280#" 1 d_PFA>752/+)&#" 1 KEY REDEFINER 1 FAT WORM BLOWS A SPARKY 1 EEE@@@ @@@E 1 DURELL SOFTWARE 1986 1 BY JULIAN G TODD 1 BHY65TGVNJU74RFCMKI83EDX 1 @` `@` ``@@ 1 @` `@0 00 1 @@r2@@BB ` 1 <SYM SHIFT> 1 <CAPS SHIFT> 1 7@=`C`I`O@ 1 6c##"r|:q|<2q| 1 3 9`?`E`K`Q 1 2q|!t|"r|> 1 2 KEMPSTON JOYSTICK 1 1 REDEFINE KEYS 1 0 START GAME 1 ,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w, 1 "(.4:@GMRX^djouz 1 leads to asuccessful prosecution. 1 `100 REWARD 1 TO CHANGE OR EXIT 1 TO ADVANCE 1 Please send any suspectedforgeries to: 1 CASTLE LODGE, 1 CASTLE GREEN, 1 &:q|=2q|*` 1 !"#$%&'()+,-.01235679:<=?@BCEFHIKMOPRTVXZ\]_bdfhjloqsvx{} 1 ``` `@` 1 If your copy of FAT WORM BLOWSA SPARKY does not have a blueplastic cassette body with theword 'DURELL' embossed on it andon the lead-in-strip, then it isa forgery. 1 DURELL SOFTWARE LTD,